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7 Things You Can Do To Celebrate International Women's Day Today

7 Things You Can Do To Celebrate International Women's Day Today

First and foremost to all of our readers — Happy International Women's Day!

IWD is all about uplifting each other, letting the voices of women — especially marginalised women — be heard, celebrating what it means to be a woman, and striving for progress in gender equality. If you identify as a woman in any capacity, this day is for YOU. This year's theme is #PressForProgress, which came after the World Economic Forum's 2017 Global Gender Gap Report showed that gender parity is still over 200 years away. Therefore, it's our job as women in 2018 to press harder for action to be taken. Regardless of where you are in the world, no matter your beliefs, you can do something to recognise International Women's Day and show your support.

1. Wear red


Now, you don't have to go all Oops, I Did It Again on us — but you totally can if you want — but if you want show your solidarity with International Women's Day, regardless of your gender, wear red. If you're tied to a dress code or don't own anything red, a red ribbon, a red anything, will do the trick.

2. Buy something that's profits go to women's organisations

There are plenty of things all over the internet that you can buy which donate all or some profits to women's charities and organisations. You can show your support by looking out for these kinds of products available online, but think about where your money is most needed. Women of colour and other marginalised women generally receive less funding, so if you can, send your money their way. Alternatively, you can just donate to an organisation of your choice directly.

3. Attend a march


There are marches taking place all over the world today, with multiple taking place here in London alone. You can check out marches in your area on IWD's website — so if you're available, go and stand in solidarity with your sisters.

4. Take part in an IWD workshop or event

There are events popping up all over the world celebrating International Women's Day, not only today, but throughout the whole month of March (thanks to Women's History Month). Find yourself something local - or even further out - and go along to show your support, make new likeminded friends, and have fun.

5. Go on strike

The Women's Strike is taking place all over the world today, as women take a stand against workplace harassment and the gender pay gap. There have been some fab sights in Catalonia where protesters have blocked a main railway line in Barcelona, and women across Spain are striking. Spanish newspaper El Pais even posted a video to show how empty their office was as a result of today's strike.

6. Write to your local MP, Ministers, Senators, or other government representatives

This doesn't just something you can do on International Women's Day, but it's a good place to start if you haven't thought about it before. Write a letter to your local representatives demanding change for women. The more they read/hear, the harder it is to shut women down and out. Make your voice - and other women's voices - heard by the people in power.

7. Elevate the voices of those the most often unheard


It's likely that you try to do this already, so, like #6, this isn't just something we're suggesting you do for the day. There are women all around the world who are silenced, who suffer the worst forms of oppression, and they deserve to - they need to - be uplifted and heard. Fight for them today, tomorrow, and always.

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